Copper & Steel Chainmail Jewelry


You guys. I did a thing.

We all know that I work on a ton of projects, always. The busier the better in my opinion! But for some reason, I felt the need to add one more thing to my plate this year, and I’ve never been happier.

In January, I got the idea to start making jewelry. I got the idea to start making complicated jewelry, the kind that required tutorials and tears and trial and error.


While scrolling through Instagram, I came across an account of a girl who makes chainmail jewelry. Normally, when I would think of chainmail, I would think of suits of armor and dragons and the Renaissance Fair, which is all badass, but this chainmail looked different. It was delicate yet strong, kind of how I view myself, and I was immediately drawn in. So in January I ordered some cheap supplies off of Amazon, started looking up tutorials, and began creating!


After a few months of trying different supplier, honing in my skills, and figuring out what pieces I’d like to create, Copper & Steel was born! Earlier this year I had a brainstorm session with a few of my close friends to decide how to go about starting this business, and then shortly after that, Covid turned my plans on upside down, so I had to adapt. Instead of debuting my jewelry line at artisan shows like I had planned, I’ve been selling on Instagram! You can find me @copperandsteelbuffalo


So far I’ve had a great response, and I can’t begin to describe how much happiness creating jewelry has brought me, especially during this crazy pandemic. I don’t have a separate website for my products yet, but I’ll definitely put a link to it here when I do! Thank you all so much for your continued love support, you are the best!
