What "Most Buffalo" Means to Me


Last week I had the extreme pleasure of being interviewed by Kate Welshofer of Most Buffalo. For television.


Okay, so I’ve done a ton of speaking engagements before, I have a podcast and we’ve done two live shows, and I interview people all the time, so one would think I would be a “natural” at being on tv.

Ummmmm…not so much.

Speaking engagements are easy, nobody sees us on the podcast when we record, live shows are a piece of cake because I’m with my three other friends, and I could interview people in my sleep. But put me in front of a camera knowing that a LOT of strangers will be seeing it and, oh man, I’ve got the butterflies. Thankfully, Kate was so down to earth and fun and cool and she put me at ease. Honestly, I’ve been stalking her on Instagram for a while now and getting the chance to meet her was an absolute dream. Not to mention the fact that I’m trying to come up with a plan to trick her into being my friend, but that’s an entirely different story.


During the interview, Kate asked me what being “Most Buffalo” meant to me. That’s an easy answer.

For those of you who are new around here and haven’t been following me since the beginning, my blog has evolved a lot over the past seven years. I started writing about personal style and fashion, figuring if I write about general stuff I would gain a larger audience in areas outside of Western New York. But exclusively talking about shirts and dresses quickly bored me, so I started writing about Buffalo. I loved this city so much (and still do!) and needed to spread the word about this glorious place that we live in. Soon after, people started to respond positively to what I was saying and they were getting excited hearing about all that our hometown has to offer.

After I made that initial jump, I switched up my focus a little bit. Sure, I still LOVE fashion and style and talking about what I’m wearing and products that I’m using, but now my audience really knows me for being a gigantic cheerleader for Buffalo. I started my Nickel City Gritty series because I wanted to showcase those who are the lifeline of the city, the entrepreneurs and artists and musicians and business owners who we interact with on a daily basis. I highlight all of the Public Art that has been popping up around the city for locals and tourists alike to drive around and take ALL of the selfies. You know you’ll see me at pretty much every festival and restaurant and farmer’s market, because there is so much to do and so much to love about where we live.

Long story short, if you live and love and thrive in Buffalo, you are Most Buffalo. And I’m happy to be one of the Mostest Buffalo people around.

Thank you again Kate for interviewing me. It was a complete honor!